Beyond What is Around


Can you see beyond you and me?

Can you see beyond here and there?

Can you see beyond who is right and who is wrong?

Can you see reality beyond dreams and fantasy?

Can you see how illusions long lived

Became the common reality that is hard to change?

Can you see how realities became such a big illusion,

As if it was never lived?

Can you be beyond this ever changing moment?

And be accountable for a tomorrow that is not yet to be?

Can you see beyond boundaries and borders?

Can you see beyond our offended prides and egos?

Can you see beyond one person hero,

When there has never been such a thing?

Can you see beyond our differences?

How simple and similar things are?

Can you see the divine unity?

Can you see LOVE as a highest quest?

Can you see how few are on the top of pyramids?

And how love is its largest base?

Can you see how one can always fall from the top,

Never to the bottom,

But on the highest,

When landing in the hand of  LOVE,

Can you see why One can never regret

envisioning LOVE in everything?


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