In memory of my beloved father


In memory of my loved father

What a journey father in happiness so short

Reality was such an unbelievable dream

Passed like a flash of light

As I walked in life’s long tunnels

Waiting patiently, counting down days

Lighting hope in the slippery roads

To recognize that this whole life

Is a never ending tunnels

The light is not in the end

But in one’s heart, in one’s mind

In relived happy moment

As I swam in life’s icy ocean

Numbed from cold

In my youth felt so old

Memories of your love I reminisce

The warmth of your presence

Your peaceful graceful face

Happiness it had made,

Like the good deed

In a never ending trade

As I walk in the dried out garden

Stop at the scene of two white wild flowers,

Grown in the bare space

A tear from my eye escapes

Worry not, my father,

When the lights get disconnect

And I run out of my candles

I hold it in my heart and soul

Worry not, my father

When for Love I devoted myself

And wish to care for one hundred

It may look weak and leave me vulnerable

I do not care how it looks

In the world's eyes

When I am my fathers’ princess

With so much love I was raised and embraced

It took all the carriage to live

The strength of this blessing weakness


Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Think not that death is death, nay, it is life,
A life that surpasses all we could dream of here,
While in this world, here we are granted sleep,
Death is but sleep, sleep that shall be prolonged
Be not frightened when death draweth night,
It is but the departure for this blessed home
Think of the mercy and love of your Lord,
Give thanks for His Grace and come without fear."

By: Imam Ghazali

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