People look at the innacents in my eyes,
people look at the sweet smile on my face,
People look at the so clamimed beauty of me,
YET, they dont see anything.
They dont see, who i am, they dont see, what has happened to me,
they dont know my fears, or my worrys.
People hear my words, with wise meanings,
People Listen to my thoughts,
People wonder what im thinking, when i stare off into space.
YET, they dont know anything.
They dont hear the prayers that i say, begging God for another way.
They dont listen to me cry, myself to sleep, on the bad nights.
They dont understand what its like, to have to hide the pain inside,
till i finally brake down, in a terrible pain.
People dont really see, or hear,
cause they fear, the things that could have been.