
You where my hero,
the man that rescued me.
The one who took me by the hand,
and walked beside me.
The one who held me, as i cried,
and never left my side.
The one who told me, many storys,
that let my mind ease, from worry.
The one who taught me, how to be,
telling me that i can be anything.
The one who looked into my eyes,
and said it will be alright.
The one who promised, to never lie,
and never leave.
The one who kept, those promises,
to me.
The one who protected me,
and kept me safe from everything.
The one who loved and cared for me,
when nobody else wanted to intervene.
The one who made me his responsiblity,
even when i wasnt his.
The one who made me trust again,
in someone that was there.

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