Small wonders, are seen.

I may not be able to write a book,
I may not be able to draw, or paint a picture, with a brush or pencial.
I may not be able to shape a clay pot with my hands.
I may not be able to design clothing.
I may not be able to solve math matical equations in my head.
I may not be able to braid the hair upon my head.
I may not be able to think as you do.

But i know one thing that i can do,
and thats see the world.
I see the world from my eyes,
my eyes are open wide.
I ofton see the things that are easly missed by many,
the things people take for granted, or plainly just ignore.

I see the 1st leaf, fall from the tree.
I see the smile, on a childs face.
I see the confusion, the anger, the hate,
the love, the strength, the wonder, on every man and womens face.
I see the sun struggling to be seen threw the cloads on a gloomy day.
I see the moon, and stars, lighting the skyway.
I see the new shirt, she wears today.
I see the sketch her fingers worked away.
I see the paper, she draws on, and earses on,
I see more then anyone relised, and its cause,
i like to watch, the world, and its small wonders.

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