God gave me a Hero

Old poems

God gave me a hero,
he gave me someone to love me day and night.
He gave me someone to laugh with, to cry with and someone to wipe my tears away. God gave me a hero. Who understands my every thought. He gave me someone to talk too, and share my secorts with. He gave me someone to allow me to think on my own with out judgement He gave me someone to protect me, and hold me near. He gave me someone to say "im here". God gave me a hero. To share memeories with forever. He gave me someone to trust. He gave me someone to teach me wrong from right. God gave me a hero, and im glad it was you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

God gave me a Hero, and this poem goes out to the few people in this life, that have been there every step of the way. :) Thank you all.

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