Tangible Emotions

your mouth tells me not to worry, it tells me that your ok,
but your eyes and body language, say entirely a differant thing.

when i look at you, its like looking at a book, its more then just skimming, and glimpsing through it,
or just looking at the pictures draw inside, you actually have to read and understand it's meaning.

I have known you long enough, and have built a friendship that is strong, i know you.

I know when something is bothering you.
I know when something is on your mind.
I know when something is making you think.
I know when something isnt right.
I know when your in pain.
I know when your in worry.
I know when your in thought.
I know when your getting lost.

Its cause, i see it in your eyes,
even when you try to look away.

Its cause, i see it in your emotions,
even when you try to hide it.

Its cause, i see it on your face,
even when you pretend, everythings ok.

Its cause, i see it in your actions,
even when you try to act normal.

Even when you dont say these things aload,
doesnt mean that they arent heard, or seen.

Even if nobody else does,
it doesnt mean, that everybody else is me.

Iv been around you for a long time, and i know you,
so its kinda hard to hide it, from me.

I sit back and watch you, and i read your unsaid words,emotions,
actions, and body language and de-code it in my mind,

I throw it around, up and down, but like everything that goes up,
it most come down.

I throw it back to you, and ask whats going on?
Cause i know, somethings not quite right with you.

So dont try to tell me, that your ok,
that everything is alright today,
dont hide it from me, cause of my age.

I may be young, but i dont need details,
but i do need, you to trust me,
and let me help and support you,
when your in need.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i feel others emotions, when i want to or not. Im always able to sense when somethings wrong, or somethings not right, and am usally able to guess whats going on. People cant lie and say nothings wrong, lol cause i know there is.

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