I can’t

I really would have wanted,

5 tons of cinderblocks

to fall straight to my chest,

it will create a great impact,

creating a screaming reaction on my face,

maybe the tears will flow

as the water does in the river,

there would be a great chance

I will be bleeding inside,

maybe like a fish without water

ill try to fill my lungs once again,

with air in this place,

my skin will shred

or at least have scratching marks,

due to the impact

I know it will be bruised up,

yet this would have been better,

a lot more loveable,

than the actions taking,

you wounded me with your words,

I the person who sealed you out from harm,

every night ill dry your eyes,

bring out the stars,

to me is the smile you showed,

I showed you the road once again,

yet you let go of my hand,

for simple rumors,

you have filled my heart

and mind with such pain,

even though we are simply friends,

over my words and heart,

you choose to end this path,

so best of luck

and may you have the most wonderful life,

I know the tables turn,

I hear you knocking on my door,

but is to late,

I don’t know if I am making a mistake,

yet you wounded me with harsh blows of pain,

made my mind go mentally insane,

yet I still wish you the best,

but today simply

don’t want sight of your gorgeous face,

I just cant forget it

as easily as the other days

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