an attack

A simple sting,

unable to react,

mind is cold,

brain ice froze,

muscles in a sleeping stage,

face to the floor,

cant react and reach for a door,

so I rest listen to a whispers in a vacant hall,

soft tunes to my ears,

cant make out the words,

simple hear a whistling noise,

did I had a choice,

was a random attack,

or was I the main target to its arms,

mind wonders, confused stage,

thinking blue skies have turn red,

the poison kicking in,

its creeps from the toes to my minds back,

captures it hold on tight,

a choke on my mind,

I beg for time,

yet begging is useless,

an angel with sin mark on his cloths I see,

laughing pointing a weapon on me,

laughing on the fact

his weapon did not fired one shot,

yet my mind gave up and went down hard,

venom spreads turns my brown skin

to its wanting color,

I deny to follow,

yet become an assassin and turn his mind

into evil form,

is the only reason why I choused to fall to the floor

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