
You are the meaning of the universe,

natures beauty you  create,

lets get close and let me explain,

close to your ears,

touching your body, holding your soul,

I cant keep my mouth shut,

let me utter words of love to you,

you create the planet,

with the beauty of your body,

your soft skin,

creates the pedals of roses,

the sand of delight,

soft it creates a bed for the ocean,

your aroma creating the odor of sweet apple pie,

the aroma of a rose in spring,

smell of relief,

your touch,

as the breeze settling in our face,

one pausing life and making time freeze,

the smile you obtain,

now have knowledge why the sun has so much life,

the beautiful smile,

great as the Nile river,

those seductive eye,

given the stars its sparkling bodies,

the moon glowing,

your body its showing,

you create beauty,

my essence dont need the world,

I have everything I need next to you,

my adoration Is towards you,

my love, keeper of my heart,

lady of my life,

a special lady only seen in dreams,

now settling foot on my life

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