The robber

The calmness and tenderness of the most respectable man,

I have offended, out of his thrown,

he know stands, white robes are remove,

armor of war he bares,

all thats wonderful and great he designs,

he creates beauty and place the pieces

on his giant board of  life,

I often simply glance at the wonderful pieces in front,

my greed to obtain just one wonderful piece

created and rightfully his I want,

lust is in the air, so precious,

her aroma as a working spell,

attracted to the beauty of her perfect image,

devoted to the sweet bright sunny smile,

one piece I must obtain, master once awake,

morning comes to an end,

a piece he noticed no longer at hand,

total darkness his board stands,

the sphere that illuminates his board,

sparkle with the stars is no longer there,

he grows with rage,

makes wind as he flaps throwing punches in the air,

shakes the board, houses drop, mountains descend,

screams and shouts, have committed a sin,

“thy shall not steal”,

her lust and my greed together we stand still,

cover her with my arms, to block the glow,

my lips on hers to calm the warmness of her heat,

moon and stars I have by my side,

beautiful angel of his creation I have stolen,

furious in search for his property he walks,

my punishment if found is great,

painful, but you are next to me,

the world on my hands, so if found guilty,

his wrath I would take,

his punishment will be a scar,

but remembering you,

the time I held you on my arms,

all my sins would be more than worth receiving,

I have stolen a angel from his patio,

and I am willing to pay the price


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