If you deserve more than what he gave you,
if he squashed all you aspirations
towards life and now he walks a lonely path,
if from his life he does not want to succeed,
give thanks he marched alone in his lonely path,
if you had noticed that with him there was no signs of love, instead of giving you sweetness and value,
he provided pain and depression,
if he only was in search to be next to you for pleasure,
did not respected you for the
sweet loveable lady that you are,
give thanks he marched alone in his lonely path
dont shed no tears if you know he does not deserve them,
dont suffer cause of him,
erase the past and begin a brand new life,
dont suffer anymore,
you are beautiful and your heart does not deserve this pain,
if he has no shame for making you cry and feel depress,
if he does not care about your feelings, and thoughts,
if he does not walk with you in your lonely path,
does not protect you from the dark,
if been with him you see no motion in life,
if he did not value the great lady he once had in front,
give thanks he marched alone in his lonely path