As a first time

I try to deny the power of your love,

try to build barriers to guard my heart,

yet they are useless,

as the organ that provides life,

gets a glimpse of your sight,

proof once again,

towards you my heart grows weak,

as an ice cube place on the cement floor,

in a hot summer afternoon,

it melts,

stronger than steel,

greater than any poisonous venom

is your presence,

is if I am trap in a metal cell,

deprived of my arms,

yet you give me the inspiration,

by any means necessary to move on,

grow razor teeth,

with fury kick,

everything a cripple man needs,

to escape and grow relief,

cant help it,

attached to you I am,

like the burning spheres

on heavens carpet,

a glimpse of you,

grow to unknown feelings,

everything twisted inside,

palms begin to sweat,

is as if my first time

to fall in love,

cant help to say

since the day I lay eyes on you,

you kept my essence and life,

been walking as a shadow,

now I found my body,

join together


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