Been Sometime

Hello beautiful girl

been some time

I have not hold you in my hands,

you are still beautiful

just like the day I said good bye,

you still have your wonderful smell,

the smell that makes me fly up in the air,

makes me illusion that everything is aight,

you still have that body

who makes me lick my fingers,

that body that stick to my finger tips,

is been some time

since I could not grasp you

and with my hands cover your body,

now I see you have die your hair,

I see some red hairs on top of your body,

remodel your self

to take people to the moon and back,

you cold after all this time

I agree to hold your body,

my hands cover your flesh,

you want me to taste you,

lick you, I sure will,

I will inhale you

take you to my mind and soul,

cause I dont want to leave earth

but I want to travel

to that other world,

been so long my Jane,

since I had you close to me,

cant say

would always grasp you like before,

but I would like to taste

your body once more


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