re-do my mistake

If I was blessed with the option to restart my life,

various things I would change,

actions would have more thoughts,


just maybe,

I would had a chance to hold a ticket to the gates of heaven,

there is one thing I wont change,

something deep carved in my heart,

your name,

if I had the opportunity to live once again,

I will commit my same mistake,

I would once again,

go to my dark stage,

shed tears under the light of the moon,

mimic rivers with red waters,

will howl as a wolf towards the heavens,

feel vacancy in my heart,

I will commit my same mistake,

due to the fact,

you taught me the definition of paradise,

open the soft tissues that created a barrier around my heart,

inserted butterflies in my stomach,

took my acknowledgement of forming words with your presence,

is complicated,

vast people would say I am insane,

feeling a strong pain once again,

lesson in life,

crystal clear,

so if I had the opportunity to live once again,

I sure will commit my mistake once again,

holding your hand, offering you my heart,

becoming who I am,

now I move on

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