You deserve to smile

Don’t weep and tear,

everyone in life

are walking away,

ill hold your hand,

wont move an inch away,

ill try to break

through the toxic waters,

ill try to search for you

through the fumes,

one way or another ill find you,

I understand so no need to explain,

once I felt like you falling today,

yet I would like to aid,

you are a delightful rose,

he missed out on a precious being,

he is simply a fool,

to have used you as a simple tool,

don’t fall to temptation,

don’t rely on the easy way out,

the toxic water or fumes,

simply numb the pain,

yet the problems never sail away,

since you’re a lady,

you are strong as steel,

so I know there is another way,

for you stand on top of the great hill,

ill try to be there for your pain,

yet I know I can never feel what you feel today,

ill hold your hand, dry tears away,

your to precious to be zoned away,

life is harsh, yet you must be tough,

fight through the barriers,

instead of simply numbing your mind,

I will wear silly shoes

and make some wacky faces,

act like a fool,

simply to get a smile from you,

while everyone says

”simply tossing her life away”

ill already have my chair in your hallway,

holding your hand,

you can place your racing mind on my chest,

ill try to aid you from the quicksand,

as a friend, always showing respect,

never with negative intentions,

simply helping your mind,

cause every precious lady,

deserves to walk with a smile


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