My clear lady

In my dreams

your vanishing image become clear,

that full burning magical star,

reflecting its glittering body

on the body of the ocean is clear,

the astonishing rose

laying firmly in a green carpet of the garden

excluded to mankind,

the sweet piece of candy

been made by the touch of angels!

Been covered with the sweet coats of candy canes! it was in my illusion state

that I grasp your image,

that long distance star I once saw,

in my hands it settled,

with my arms I can carried it to my home,

its burning flames

melt my skin as ice cream in summer,

yet mind state no where in sight!

My soul filled much delight,

the pain my passion,

that astonishing rose

as wind I grasp and pick up

as the greatest robber ever to have lived,

the garden trembled and soil lifted

as a typhoon knowing its beauty was taking away,

it covered me as it would once in my life,

as I rest forever

yet my body as a blanket it became for your flesh,

in my dreams

I grasp your soft silky body

with my burned still melting soil covered skin,

but my touch was as pure as a new born child,

your pedals I so softly touched with great passion, now you are as clear

as the water in a deserted ocean,


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