One Yellow Rose and One Red Rose

Pick up a rose
To play loves-me-loves-me-not

Peel off all of the petals
Until all that's left
Is my heart
In the center of it all
And drop it to the ground

Just pick another pretty flower
Or rather have the flower pick you
Before really holding this one
Not caring that this one already said
Loves me
Instead of loves me not

So carelessly
Break not just my heart
Which will rot on the ground
Where you have dropped it
But your own too

You come back
To pick up what is left
Just the next day
Before my heart has gone through too much
To be undesirable
But you still hold the other flower
Much closer to your heart
With it facing away from me and you
Because we are a secret
Even though there is nothing we are hiding...
I cannot hide without my petals

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not exactly sure why flowers have been occupying my mind lately... they've been creeping into my poems... but I will find out!

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