I sit here crying in the night
sighing, whispering, to myself
every thing is alive
but that doesnt mean
we are all safe inside
of our minds
there is no escape
there is no place to hide
so we lose our piece of mind
to shadows
the echoes of our lives
the darkness held
comes out
to play
and we sit by ourselves
in this state
when our past comes
back alive
to eat you
to swallow you
back into to the pit
back into the hole
of pain
and regrets
the hole of greed
that rests beneath our face
hidden behind our mask
our daily face
I cry
and i cry
it shatters
the darkness crawls
on out
to eat us alive
there is no escape
so we sit
and are devoured alive
some may escape
but the pain
still breaks our minds
so our bodies
the times
we lost inside
while memories
start to fade
and break our binds
that held us together
all this time
cause we've all been broken once
it takes us time to remember what we lost
but our shadows they break
through the cracks
and help us
a bomb inside
but like every
kingdom falls
another may rise
to shatter
once more