
a double edged sword

held in a hand of pain 

and thrust in the seekers benefit

attracting anyone left defenseless

whos loneliness 

left them vulnerable 

they all seek out 

for this painful sword

with beeming smiles

and glowing confidence

as they face its early cuts

quite willingly

able to stand its damage 

to reach their dreamy goals


but our human hands are soft

not of plated scales 

are the tenderness of our palms

filled with warmth and blood 

they damage quite easily

against the cold 

the sharpness 

of our blade

it is impossible to hold these

with no damage 

but only the resilient 

whose heart bold

able these swords forever


even so 

every sword fits a different seeker

so reach for the one 

of manageable size


never bleed wastefully 

and keep oneself alive 

because relationships are a double edged sword


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