Memories (For My Granddad)

Childish, I Know

When looking back over the years the first memory to come to mind,

Is a week we spent on a boat of the long and narrow kind.

We set out one morning, my granddad, my sister and I,

Along with a good friend of mine to aid the time in passing by.

It didn't take long before we were all quite skilled in opening and closing locks,

And the steering came along quite well despite some bumps and knocks.

There were of course some problems, like the time we ran aground,

For which we all blame Helen, and our argument is sound.

I've always noticed that everyone John met was left with a lasting impression,

And it would seem that even narrow boats don't escape this special attention;

When travelling down a small stretch one day with granddad at the tiller,

We encountered what can only be described as a bridges supporting pillar:

A slight misjudgement on his behalf had brought us to a stop,

Put a dent in the boat, but left the bridge standing, if less a few bricks on top.

I'll remember theses memories the most as they show his slight imperfections,

And are simply to me the happiest of all my reflections.

But he gave me more than good times of memories that past,

There are other things received from him that will most certainly last.

My granddad passed on many wonderful things, both in wisdom and possession,

I have myself a pocket watch he used in his profession.

But of the things he gave me from the beginning of my years,

The one thing that echoes most of him is the very size of my ears.

Now like most children I was teased and at time became estranged,

But now I've grown to accept myself and my attitudes entirely changed.

Now I feel proud to carry with me parts of his own likeness,

They will make me think of how he was and remind me of his kindness.

His memory will compel me to be the best person that I can,

They will remind me of my granddad, a true-life gentleman.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I Wrote this for my Granddads funeral, which we decided to make a celebration of his life and banned solemn clothing and sad speeches. Even so, he'll be sadly missed.

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