There’s tears running down your sorrowful ghostly face and tracing down your see-through of a frame body. Observing right through you; it’s like looking through the glory of a fresh painted window, the wind calling us to carry on further to your hypnotic voice and the instinctual future of pressure that you would break us down if we were to “betray you”. The truth of knowing you’re here, but not in tacked to stay (I bet that’s your fear). Even the toughest looking point of a sharp thumbtack can break while trying to hold things up. The squeezing of my limp gory organs as you walk near my soul, while letting out the full blown forceful wind that you bring along with you. My instinct of them and by them I mean you. I will face many in life, but I am ready for them to come. Caught in-between the glass, trapped in between the never ending joyful state of mind or the fake truth you carry along with you while sprinkling, like a little fairy in your fairytale, the manipulation you bring on, translating to the return of your presences’ power.