
Mad Musings


I can hear them on the next forty over to the east – the roosters crowing and the chickens cackling, the dogs barking and even the strained bleating of goats. I can hear the abhorrent hum of their gas generator which thankfully runs much less than the 24/7 it did in the early years of their occupation. And sometimes rarely, when the acoustics are just right, like on mornings after a midnight rain, I catch wisps of human conversation, though nothing that would give me any indication as to the residents' character. I've never met them. I’m sure they are very nice people simply trying to live their version of the "simple life" and I fully respect their right to habitate however they choose, yet ashamed though I am to admit it, secretly I want them to go away and never come back. It’s not personal, it’s that for so long I was out here all by myself, no one around for miles and miles. I miss the buffer zone between me and the rest of the world. Or maybe I like thinking I'm the only person on the planet. Heaven help me as I struggle with the maxim "Love Thy Neighbor".


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