They All Dropped



They all dropped dead at precisely the same moment. Ten men, scattered across the globe and, as it was later found out also, due to being men of much import that their movements were monitored, recorded, timestamped and filed away for future reference, had died in the exact same manner. So synchronic was the event that there could be no mistaking that it was an act of God or Allah or whoever is in charge of the births and deaths of human beings. Perhaps the Fate called Atropos had gathered their lifelines together and lopped them off in a caprice of disgust.

To these men of grand status it was also requisite that autopsies be performed, the results of which were deemed inconsistent with any manner of foul play. Classified confidential late night conference calls, held in secret rooms, declared by decree that every death be attributed to a different cause, all death documents doctored and TOD's ameliorated. A press conference in each of the deceased respective countries pronounced findings inconclusive and the deaths unrelated. And so the conspiracy theories began to fly at hyperspeed, hypothesizing every possible villainous conjecture, for it could not be denied, swept under the rug or otherwise opposed that the men who had died in such suspicious unison were the top political leaders on the planet.


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