

I float through each day

on an irredescent cloud.

Where normal things annoy me.

And a breath is too loud.

Where looking in my mother's eyes

can set me on edge.

And hearing the sound voices

makes me wish I was dead.

I long to run away

from all this stupid noise.

To drown myself in alcohol

or in a meaningless boy.

Just to escape my reality

and to get away.

So I don't face what I return to

at the end of each day.

Sometimes I feel like I must be

the only one that's sane.

Because their minds are clouded
by drugs in their brain.
And yet I am still here.

when I could simply run away.

But I'd never abandon them

and it is here I must stay.

And then my mother starts to rant

over the smallest of things

and I look forward to going to work

my very spirit sings.

So when I come home my body collapses

and I fall right into sleep.

And even as she yells at me

I am in way too deep.

But then I have a day "off"

which really isn't mine.

Because I'm forced to be alone with her

and pretend all is fine.

I just want to get away,

the concept is utterly glorious.

But I realize the only way is death

then I shall be Victorious.....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Bleh. More Depressed Ramblings.

My secret account that my family knows nothing of

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