We all have one:

That remnant scar

Over our abdomen…

A living reminder:

Of umbilical connexions,

One had with one’s mother!

Those who just ignore this,

I don’t know how sad it is:

To disown your mother…

Despite the cicatrix!

The lone witness of the womb:

The cord that feeds,

Even as the baby takes shape,

Supply all that it needs.

Our conscience is not much different:

It has its own chinks;

It has got that element,

That remembers its links,

With God -Creator and Sustainer,

Seventy-fold like our own mother…

Why forget your mother,

Or God, either?

You cannot afford,

To deny the umbilical cord!

For, God loves us all:

Seventy times more, as it were,

Than your own mother

Heed to His call.

For, God’s so merciful.

So explicit are His signs...

Open the door,

Root out your fear;

Be faithful and grateful,


Sure, you can go that far:

So much lies concealed,

In that round scar-

The first wound now healed.

STW/24 July 2006

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