"A squirrel gets ready to cross the busy street..."


A squirrel gets ready to cross the busy street

holding a peanut in it's mouth.

It tries to run across

but doesn't make it.

The child beside me cries out in alarm.

I put my arms around her

and comfort her.

She cries "why couldn't it have made it?

All it was trying to do was cross to the other side of the road,

where it could eat in peace!  Why couldn't it have made it?"

"Shh," I whisper.  "It's okay,"

for what else could I say to the child,

when she spoke the truth?

Isn't that what we're all trying to do, at every moment in our lives?

Aren't we all trying to cross to the other side of that road,

where we can finaly sit down,

and enjoy a little peace of our own?

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