What Makes Me Mad


They say we live in the land of the free
That's why everyone wants to come to our country

With this economy it's hard to get ahead
We go to work to make sure our family is fed
Companies are sending their jobs overseas
Because labor is cheaper in other countries

Immigrants arrive in America every chance they can
But can't speak the language of the American
If to another country you must go
At least learn the language that they know

People with money to blow get by with everything
And look down on the people who have nothing
Well they can all kiss my ass
Because money can't buy class

Criminals have it better than we do
Because we have to make a living for them too
We go out and work our ass off everyday
Prisoners get three meals and no bills to pay

There are no seat belts on a school bus
But riding in a car we better have one around us
There something wrong with that law for you see
I would rather have a seat belt around a child than me

Beer and alcohol can be legally bought
But smoking weed is not
I would rather have someone driving high
Than someone on something that causes people to die

Now that I've said what I had to say
Thanks for listening and have a good day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one was fun writing.

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