Kindred flames


Your soul is so beautiful but I think your anger makes you forget.

We come from a hard but tough past and I think that's why I understand.

Your demons play well with mine.

We have been thru the ups and downs

your mistakes don't make you there's a kind of beauty in that if you look deeper.

My love for you is passionate like a love that makes all else irrelevant.

There are few things in this life that give my soul gratitude

such as making you smile, kissing the freckles on your hip, or looking over as you sleep

thinking how beautiful you are and I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds,

I'd find you like kindred spirits. So don't you worry well stick our toes in the sand

with two coronas in hand and live the simple life like we planned.

you are the the kindling for my flame and with a little o2, you can see what we can really do.

So I hope, if you'll let me I can make you smile each and everyday.

I love you with all my heart and that will never change.

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