Now is in the future

People always assume that I live in the now, sometimes I just dont understand how. How do people even make these false judgments? If I lived in the now...Id be dead right now. If lived in the now, I would be dead right now. If I lived in the now I wouldnt be alive in the future, I need life to have my future...a happy future, my only chance of true happyness. Negatives and positives start pulling each other, constant dangerous contradictions. They are oh so subtle, yes, there oh so insidius, slowly, killing me slowly helping me live. Im dead in the long run, see. Yeah im dead in the long run, see. But im not running, im sitting right here becuase im me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The only way to breath is to be choked. The only way to bleed is to be stitched.

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