End of ant's world

Once upon a time in a faraway land, red and black ants lived in peace, together. In that little world they depended ones from the others. The red ones used to collect little pieces of fruit and grains, while the black ones used to organize and guide the ways where the red ants would carry the food, removing obstacles from the way.
They lived in prosperity, happy and with joy for a long time. All ants were happy doing their corresponding part of the work, each one. But one unlucky day the problems began…
A hot day in the middle of the summer, the ants were working hard: the red ones carrying on little grains, seeds and pieces of bread, the black ones removing little rocks and opening shorter ways. Suddenly a red one fainted because of the hard work. Then an old red ant said:
-Y’all see? We do all the hard work while the black ants don’t do anything and just stay relaxed. We do all the work and they enjoy the food that we collect. That’s not fair!-
-Of course not!- Said a black one -We have to remove all the obstacles and keep clean the roads-
The ants began to arguing about whom works harder and whom do the most important job. The rest of the red ones followed to the old red ant, and they organized a rebellion:
-We can not continue allowing their abuse!-
-Of course we can’t, let’s beat them to put them to work and us to rest-
-YESSSS!- every ant replied in chorus.
But the things didn’t go well, both clans of ants stayed on a long war that debilitated them. Nobody won, but the clans finished separated in two colonies.
Both colonies start having very severe problems. The red ones knew how to carry all the fruits and seeds both they didn´t know how to make a path to get easily to the fruit, so when they get throw all the obstacles, they were exhausted and they cannot carry a lot of fruit.
The black ones create very unique paths to get easier to the food, but their problem was that they didn’t have the strength to carry all the fruit to their colonies.
Both colonies start to lose many residents, until one black day there was not another ant, all of them died because of their lack of team work. And that’s how that little world ended.

Written by Daniel Hernández and José Canseco

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