Look Inside Yourself..

A rose called by any other name would still smell just as sweet?..

Unless you take that rose and place it in concrete....

And in it's encasement is an example of you and i, sweet beauty deep inside but just really hard to find..

Threw our bad times we built up these walls of cement, trying to hold our emotions in so we wouldn't get hurt again....

I too live in those walls scared to be hurt, as if who i am isn't worth more than dirt...

So i admit that i have doubts, I admit that i am weak, but i will not cower in fear and admit to defeat...

These walls i shall breach, threw time and with strength...

So weak i may be....

But defeated?... I Ain't!

- Devonte Mack

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Short Poem but it has a nice message

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