Black or white.
Rich or poor.
We all have the same rights
but our rights don't always get an open door.

Lesbian or gay.
Healthy or sick.
We all want to be ourselves everyday
but sometimes we have to hide because of politics.

Asian or Latino.
Unknown or famous.
We are all in the same “camino”
but through the path they want to change us.

We are all human beings
and we get to be with whoever makes us beatific.
We won't change our feelings
because friends,family,and society think is horrific.

One day you felt attraction for the same gender
and you thought something was wrong with you.
Your feelings won't surrender
and you don't know who to talk to.

You think your friends will treat you unusual
when you only want approval.
You think your parents will make you feel less
when you want acceptance and things to be a success.
You think society will judge,
so you keep silent
because you don't want things to get violent.
Your tears are falling like heavy rain
Because all you do is hide the pain.
razors blades are your friend
because for a while they make the pain end.
You look up how many pills it gets to die
because your giving up and don't know what else to try.
You think of grabbing a rope to end your existence 
but you don't do it because you have hope and persistence.
All the feelings you have inside
let them out with pride.

Your true caring friends will stay 
and the ones who don't will go away
Your loving parents will support you everyday
and if they don't, you keep being you no matter what they say.
Society will not judge they will stand by your side
and the ones who judge let them be, they don't have to abide.

You chose who you want to love
you chose who you want to date
you chose who you want to marry.
You know what's best
you are perfection nothing less.

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