Shedding Layers

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I let the time marinate my mind
I kept the pain I was suppose to shed
something I put it off and now
its dead weight
holding me back from myself
sheltering my sensitivity
the compassion I linger to share
but when I try to peek through
to see who is truly there for me
throughout my crayziness
and the deep things I have to say
its a vast empty space I find
I let the dead weight become my personal space
let it become who I am
showing my personality as happy, crazy
expressive, outgoing
but full of pain
does it really have to be defined , the stakes that cut through me
the loss, deception
things that keep me awake thinking
when will I shed like a snake and let the new me shine through
I hold me
the layers keep building up continously
no longer crying out for it to stop
because its become my comfort
and without it
being actually happy might feel wrong
though my desires to smile
and mean it
keep me wanting
keep me waiting for the layers to peel
let the me thats been trappeed
be revealed
so I can feel like me again
minus the pain
deal with strange interpretation of actually living
instead of a permanent definition of slowly dying
just look into my eyes , watch me smile
and believe that I really am trying

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 Shedding Layers 211 2011/10/22 13 years ago