Wires are stronger than determination.

all i can hear is rain.

rain and birds.

birds trying to navigate through the rain.

each drop pounding on their feathers,

weighing them down, trying to end their flight.

i keep on having the same vision over and over again.

small, tiny birds, trapped in a wire cage.

chirping and prying at the wire.

trying to escape.

trying to get out.

and there are children.

pointing and laughing.

all they do is laugh.

and the birds, they die from struggle.

they use all their will and all of their might, yet they still end up empty handed.  they still remain trapped inside that small cage.  they are unable to free themselves, to fly above endless valleys, to perch on infinite tree branches.

they stay in there.

in their wire prison.

and they rot.

no one does anything.

they just slowly decay to nothing.

each bird, lifeless.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Yeah I wasn't in the right state of mind when this was written.

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