The begining of the world

A billion years ago there were three gods, Binay, Orvall, and Ish they were brothers but didn’t actually get along like brothers, they really didn’t care about anything they were very selfish, arrogant and proud of themselves. One day they were fighting about everything, but anything at the same time. They got to a point where they were not talking to each other so, Their father, Laru, the greatest god got really upset because his sons couldn’t even speak to each other, so he decided to send Binay, Orvall and Ish to the same abandoned, until they actually spoke to each other and got along. A few years passed and they didn’t even look at each other, until Ish, the oldest brother started talking about all his achievements and all the great things he could do with the soil. Binay, the middle brother got sick of all this arrogance, his pride was hit, he looked to Ish with a big mad face, and presume about all his achievements and his great control over water. Orvall just stared at both of them while they were competing about who had done more. They were both really mad to each other, and didn’t accept they both got the same power but with a different element. The fight got to a point where Binay was really mad and started doing great figures with water to show Ish his great ability to create water, he showed that he could do anything he wanted with it, he made a square, a pyramid, an polygon, then he finally left a sphere in the middle of nothing, just floating and spinning. Ish didn’t like a bit of what was happening so he started to play with the soil in the same arrogant way just to annoy Binay, he made with exactly the same figures that Ish but with soil. To finally beat Binay with all the mart that he had made he grabbed half of the soil and splash it into the sphere of water, there was a great splash and all of the three brothers got really wet, Binay got really mad a started to hit Ish with water bombs, Ish didn’t stay calmed and responded to him with soil winds. They were both so angry, that Orvall was actually the only one who saw that the separated them and made them look to the sphere, sphere didn’t actually disappeared, the soil went into the water sphere. Orvall separated the other two, they were really amazed because they had never seen something like that before, soil and water mixed up together in such a graceful way. Finally Orvall reached the sphere to make his apportion, little living creatures, two types of them, ones able to live in water, others to live on earth. Binall and Ish approach the sphere, they looked at each other and realized the great things they could do together. During the next days the three brothers spent all day long planning a whole living system for this sphere, they added vegetation and more living creatures. Their father, the greatest God Laru came to them, he was proud they had created a world, a world in complete harmony and balance.

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