The lonely man

Flash fiction

Short Story


This story is about a man who had no one in life, he was all alone by the age of 30 the only child of two loving parents who had already passed away. He had a stable but dull job, he was a boring man, always reserved, shy, and only minding his business. He was single as one could be. By age of 30 he had only had 3 serious relationships in the past and also unsuccessful ones, he believed in love but he also believed that he had never felt it for real, he was never too engaged on those past three relationships. In the friend’s department he was stuck with the bored and married guys from work who never really did nothing exciting, their fun was watching the football game while drinking a couple beers, he never really liked football that much or any sport whatsoever. He was tired of his life, he felt that had gotten to a point of no return he did not wanted nothing in special, love, money, or anything like that maybe that is why he was so confused. He worked as an accountant for a big car company it was boring, he always thought that accounting was boring but went to college on that major because his dad had that same career.


You know, it’s funny how people can just choose their whole path in life based on a simple reason like “my dad went there” or “my mom did this” for my it is really stupid because those people never get the chance to be themselves and sometimes this lasts for their whole lifetime, they live in a false illusion of happiness when deep down they know they probably did not even wanted a family or even a wife or the job that they have.


One day our friend here realized this, all of a sudden like a rush of cold water to the head it reached him, he knew what was missing, he lacked and identity, he realized that his whole life he had spent it on pleasing other people or doing things because other people wanted him to do it, so in that moment he knew he  needed to be himself more, sure he had freedom, he could go anywhere he wanted with anybody, but anyways he felt trapped in a life of somebody else, he was just not living his own one.


Change was the key word in our friend’s situation, so drastically he made it, completely stopped attending his job, he saved for 10 years so yeah had a couple bucks in the bank.

 He traveled all by himself went on an adventure, he knew somewhere out there he´ll find himself. In one of his odysseys he ended up in a fishing boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean 6 years had passed since he quit his job, he ran out money in the 4 fourth year but he had found this amazing job, they barely payed him something but he could get by he enjoyed the work a lot he liked swimming across the sea and of course he loved the sunsets being in really deep, deep ocean, that make him feel alive, it really did.


He lived in a small house close to a virgin beach and almost nobody visited him, expect for this one girl whom he had met in one his trips across Asia, he was cute but he had always looked at her as friend, until one day this changed and they became a couple, years later they got married in a beautiful ceremony on the beach.

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