All chances of “forgive & forget”
Are gone
You lost that right when you
Lied to me- again, and
Again, and again.
Such a continuous pattern, I’m
So dumb ‘cuz I didn’t notice
Things like “Where you been?”
[“out and about, babe.” “You know me, just
with the guys.”] eventually, “None of yer
damn business!”
like that picture of the girl up in
your locker you introduced to me as
“just a girl.” Hey, wasn’t that where you put OUR picture?
Like avoidance of everything.
Now, you drive by my house-
To see if you can catch a glimpse
Of me or my new boyfriend.
You caught me kissing him,
But I don’t really care anymore.
[“I’ll kick his fucking ass” and “I’m going to fucking kill that
bastard if he touches you again.”]
like your “You’re my property, bitch!” shit now
passing in the hallways I just
feel nothing
I still see how you stare
Sucking in every tear drop,
Replacing it with a glance
Shot at me, a note passed-
Neither of which I return.
Your goal is to get Maya or Brian involved, which only
Pisses me off more.
Give it up already, because I have.
Give it up already, because I won’t take you back.