Don't Be Sad For Me

"Don't be sad for me"


Dennis Hicks

Don't be sad for me, for I've lived a life of Gods sweet blessing this is true,

And don't be sad for me, for I was hopefully a bright spot in your life, and a smile will surely do, as you remember me, while gazing at the stars at night, or listening to a remembered song.

And when you feel a gentle wind brush your cheek, think of me, for that will be my spirit kissing you and telling you that I'm fine

Remember the good, forget the bad, time will heal your mind,

God will heal your heart,and each day will start, a new day of joy for you to find

Please, don't be sad for me, for my cup runneth over, and we will meet again, God has promised us and this we believe, so we'll wait til then, and see my friend

don't be sad for me

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