"Wake Up" Poem 2 of set

Visions of my grandpa flashback from time to time

How he would teach me about life,

And how to apply it to my rhymes.

He taught me to appreciate night,

Because in the morning I may not rise.

I learned hot to keep my goals in sight

And to overcome andy challenge, no matter the size.

Through lessons

I learned to put my life in lines,

How to transfer emotion in sessions

And work for the finest of lives

He was and incredible man

Creating life's beauties

Through the strokes of a hand.

He had simple plans,

To work hard and get what you can

He gave everything to complete his missions,

I am better because of his existance.

As he approached life's later

He was diagnosed with cancer,

But he never lived to see remission.

His legacy will forever live within this sentence.