Leave Me to Die

Leave me to die 

To escape this unjust world

Filled with woes and crying souls

Leave me to die 

To escape this cowardly world 

Where we turn a blind eye to genocide

Leave me to die 

To escape this hell ridden world 

Where the cost of living is worth more than a life

Leave me to die 

To escape this sorrowful world 

Where suicide has become a casual conversation topic

Leave me to die 

To escape this unlawful world 

Where the rules are bent to those willing to spend 

Leave me to die 

To escape this unloving world 

Where trees, flowers and bees are on the brink of extinction 

And the fruits and love they bear have become man made and synthesized  

Leave me to die 

To escape this cruel world 

Where waiting for tomorrow 

Is the worse thing that comes to my mind 

Leave me to die 

To escape this fucked up world 

Where hopes and dreams are no longer a life line 

Leave me to die 

To escape this terrible world 

Where there is no worth to a human’s life 


The thoughts of a better future is no longer a given but a wishful unattainable dream 

Knowing every time you sleep you fear waking up to the news that half of the world is nuked

When you fear waking up to hear of a new virus eating out our inside 

When you fear waking up knowing thousand of innocent children have died 

When you fear waking up because you just want to die

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