The quiet of
Loneliness is so loud
I can hear it in the stream of my tears and the droplets hitting the ground
I can hear my heavy breathe and the silent wheeze when the stars go to asleep
I can hear my toes shift under the blankets when I can’t sleep
The quiet of
Loneliness is so loud
I can hear my heart yearn for love
I can hear the empty space beside my soul
I can hear the moon’s sobs for the sun
The quiet of
Loneliness is so loud
I can hear the echo of the eternal love that was made but never fulfilled
I can hear the laughs of my parents thousands of miles away
I can hear the pillow and blankets being packed away after sleepovers at my best friend’s
The quiet of
Loneliness is so loud
I can hear the whisper of doubts of the false hope I live with
I can hear the depression swirling in my bloodstream
I can hear my the voice at the back of my head telling me to get out of bed
The quiet of
Loneliness is so loud
That if I did get out of bed I will hear nothing
Nothing but thoughts of the in pain in my veins