To My Soulmate: When You Find Me


When you find me 

Be gentle 

This fragile heart breaks so easy 

This sorrowful soul is slowly healing 

I want you to explore my mind

See the dragons, fairies and the night skies 

See the stars burning in my eyes 

And humor me by telling me if you think I’m a fae or witch 

Hold my body with gentle care 

It’s a bit heavy but there’s more of me to love 

And kiss every inch of it and leave a trail of your love bites so I won’t forget you care 

When I cry 

Don’t stop my tears 

Sit with me and hear what only the moon hears 

Those nights when no one was there 

When the only friend was a single shining star 

Be that for me in nights when it’s hard to breathe 

And when the burdens become heavy to bear 

Don’t carry what is not yours 

Just let me know I’m almost there 

And when you look at me and your eyes sparkle 

I want to know it’s just for me I don’t like to share 

Give me time to show what’s beneath the tarp

It’s a mystical place with endless, unconditional love  

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