The Color Gray

Look at you and look at me we’re both the color gray,

Look at him, look at her, look at them, we’re like a cloudy day,

Look at everyone; we're all the same, the color gray,


The kids look happy together as they play,

They share, they care, they get along in every way,

Tell me, tell me, is that not a wonderful display,

Look at everyone here; we're all the color gray,


But over there, they start to argue, on this beautiful day,

They scream, they shout, the world starts to sway,

One cowers over the other; it’s the words, not the color that betrays,

What’s going on with his color? He weakens and it decays,

Look now at everyone, changing to different shades of gray,


We are all the same, the color gray,

Why then must we fray?

We fall apart with nothing to say,

Except painful words that hunt and prey,

What good does it serve be silent and pray,


Look once more, we're all the color gray,

It just takes time to notice that beautiful array.

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