I've cried to God
Wondering what's going on
Wondering why I feel this way
But I know I was thinking of you today
And all I can do is keep praying
Praying God will fill you with emense joy
Praying that we will someday meet
But it seems more fit to be a dream
Most of all I want to know you're ok
Cuz I keep praying for God to take these feelings away
But somedays I can't explain how I feel
Cuz it's something I've never felt before
And there's a first time for everything
But all I can say to sum it all up
Is I miss you, I miss you
I feel like a little kid crying when a loved one fades away
I feel like my whole world is being torn away
I can't even explain what I feel
But being around you seems too surreal
Because you give off a comforting vibe
Something I've been searching in this life
I feel like I'm over reacting
May be paying too much attention to feelings
But why after praying, are they not leaving?
I miss you that's all I can say
When I'm around you something tells me it will be ok
I see something in you I can't describe
Something that could never be explained in this life
All I can say is God is working somehow
And I can't even begin to know what his plans are
But I know I miss you and I know he thinks of you night and day
Otherwise I would not feel this way
May be he sent me to tell you what he wants you to know
But I know I'm really missing you
And I think so much, praying God will just bless you