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My Life

Well I have lots of struggles, and I have overcome so many in these past few years. I overcame having the need to have friends. Yes everybody needs friends, and yes it's completely normal to feel lonely and be sometimes desperate for a friend.  But at the same time being desperate for a friend can lead you to the wrong crowd.  I'm here to say it's ok if you're upset and lonely, and do not feel like you're alone. I remember when I used to have this church I went to, and I loved it there. I basically had a second family there,I baby sat these people and became very close to that family. I was part of a youth band there, we got together every single saturday and played tag in the church. We would crank the tunes and have a blast. We would go check out a movie, we would go to Perkins at 3am and have coffee, then go back to the chuch and play more tag. I really miss those days, I was part of christmas plays there and everything was awesome. Then one day it was ALL gone out of no where. It just seemed like none of it existed and the church split. This is about the time I started to slip and fall into the wrong crowd.  I was really starting to become a mess, and then eventually landed up with zero friends. Well this is just a bit of what has happened with some of my struggles.

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