Dreams, malignant thoughts


She watches for him pull up the drive

ready to pamper him, and ready to love him

Ready to make him feel like he is worth a million bucks

But instead he just begins to shout

And the words he delivers

Bruises her already torn heart within

But yet she's in denial refusing

to notice the damage being done

She believe's he's a blessing

Because he is providing all the money

The vacations to Bermuda, the bahamas

makes her feel like she's dead wrong

To even have the thoughts that are on her mind

The thoughts that she feels is a plague

Ready to explode at any given time

She's been pushed to her very limit

but yet she has not given in

She's so scared of being wrong

Even when he slaps her around

Terrified of her malignant thoughts

thinking of the one day he will be dead

She always thinks of how he will burn in hell

She can't wait to see him tortured

Yet her outward appearance says otherwise

She's wearing a neatly prepared disguise

One that will throw everyone off

And will decieve others into thinking nothing is wrong

Inside she is being torn

Internal bleeding, emotions thrown

She's just feeling worthless

because the thoughts she can no longer contain

Are so dangerously overwhelming

She's in the red, almost wishing she was dead

But somewhere there has to be hope

and somewhere she figures someone will hold her

Someone she knows will be worth the wait for

Someone has to be there to pick my broken heart up

Because this is all she can hope for

and all that she lives for

And hopefully she prays every night

that one day her dreams will one day fly

And one day she will soar

a winner, an achiever, one with respect

And one day she will see herself as beautiful

But the life she is in currently weighs her down

Please God please heavenly Father help me out

Lord please give me strength to carry on

cuz I can no longer do this on my own

This is my cry, please meet with me tonight

Because I'm so broken,and I need you here with me

Take all this away from me, and bless me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I didn't really know what to call this. It is sort of malignant in areas of the write, but also there is the hope of this woman. So it's the thoughts of wanting to see him hurt in the way she has been, but is so paranoid she is wrong, and she seems to drown in her own thought process and can't comprehend what's going on. She is so overwhelmed, and figures just cuz the thoughts are there that she is terrible which seems to cause her to fall even further.  

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