Somedays I don't understand
Why I do what I do
A broken heart a broken man
Just sits here waiting
For you to take me by the hand
I don't understand what I'm going through
sometimes feeling so dead
But I keep pressing into you
feeling so hurt, rejected
But I try to meditate on how you rose from the dead
I try to remember what your word says
But somedays it's so hard to see the hope
at the end of this winding road
I'm in wonder
Always trying to comprehend your wisdom
Trying to comprehend what you do
But like an ocean being poured into a tea cup
Is what your wisdom is to us all
It just can't be done
Till we see you face to face
And the day of judgement arrives
So I try my hardest to live my life
According to what is right in your word
But somedays I fight just to stay alive
To make sure I shine your light
But somedays I am so broken shattered inside
Jagged edges tearing me up inside
I need to escape
Please be my strength in this troubled life
and I try to remember the future is in your hands
and one day I will dance
forever in the streets of heaven
Could I live without him?
A question I never want to find out
All I focus on is dancing in heaven
Running to my Father
Knowing I'm with him forever in heaven