Jot notes (

Father I try just to be perfect

but it never seems to happen

I turn into such a wreck

I get into more of a mess

Each time I try so hard

and this life will keep carrying on

Whether I am prepared or not

So I wonder why in the world I just can't seem to grow up

I keep doing the things I don't want to

I keep digging myself into this deep pit

I am so full of selfishness

Trying to get recognition

But I am not realizing true blessings

That God just wants me as broken as I am

and that I will never ever be a perfect man

No one could ever be perfect

otherwise so many things in the world would work

No more chaos, and no more fear

would no longer be a part of this life

And we would have no reason for God to be near and dear

We would be able to spell every word perfect without hesitation

So why do I keep worrying?

Why to I keep on hesitating?

Why do I keep experimenting with crossing the border line?

I need to stand my ground, and never give up

But somedays its so much easier said than done

Because I could barely face

the decisions I made today

I could barely look in the mirror and call myself a man

How could I be a person after God's own heart?

I failed again, I messed up

I just wished I could learn to let go

and realize it's ok to know I will slip

and that I need to be prepared

I wish so hard I could accept my human ways

cuz my spirit is willing, but my body is weak

But I know that you Heavenly Daddy will pick me back up

and place me back on solid ground

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