Screw it

Screw it I've messed up again

I can't see how this could be fixed

I feel like some heartless friend

Screw it, I don't even think it's worth the try

Because I just feel like I keep on lying

I feel like I've decieved my self

Screw it I don't really feel like trying

I still don't want to give up

But I could just make things worse

So screw it, I'm just going to ride this emotional herse

Screw everything, I feel it's better off just to quit

I do not know forsure if it would be hit or miss

But at the same time it could lead to something tragic

Screw it, it couldn't get more simple than this

It's probably better off just to find your any center

And be satisfied with whatever you find, what ever it is

May be it's just better off to settle for what you can get

But at the same time you'd be so much more happier

If you just did not give in

Author's Notes/Comments: 

meh just some ramblings again. Wondering if I should quit where I am and settle for what I can get? or is there more out there that God will bless me with, and I should just take a leap of faith a risk?

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